I found this game after seeing an ad for it in another game. Curious, I downloaded it, and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it!
Unfortunately, joy quickly turned sour, as the learning curve (or rather, difficulty curve) started to resemble nothing so much as a 90 degree angle. Although in the first section of the map it was relatively easy to make a two- or three-star movie, in the second and third section of the map, it was much more difficult, sometimes approaching impossible.
One of the biggest issues I have with the game is that upgrading cinebits (pieces that you use to build a movie) makes them cost more to use!! If anything, upgrading should reduce the price--I have cinebits that cost 19 pieces (which means you need to make 7 match-3s of that particular color) at level 1!!
There are also too few moves, because you only have 20-ish moves to a) earn cinebits (unless you use in-game currency to buy a perk that gives you five), b) match 3 gamepieces of the right color so that you can use them (and each cinebit has a price of at least 7 pieces), and c) place cinebits, with no guarantee that the bits you have available to you will even make a good movie.
The frequency of monsters and bombs is also frustrating, as monsters make part of your movie awful and bombs actually zap away a part of the movie youve match-3d to get! Its not unusual to see three bombs on a board at any one time, either.
I do like playing this game, but Id love to see some improvements to gameplay. Id also like to see more special offers--Id gladly pay for one or two, but when I tried to purchase them, they disappeared...
E. Grimm about CineMagic: Hollywood Madness